A Little About Me

Hi my name is Matt Lloyd, I'm 22 and have recently moved to Dalston, Greater London. I've been a keen writer my whole life and I wanted to share a part of what I see in the world around me. By combining my experience in the hospitality industry, skills in drawing and my more recent development as an interior architect I want to share some of the secret hideaways that London has to offer. It can be lonely in the modern world and coffee shops, bars and restaurants offer me a solace through the appreciation of great interior spaces, food and drink. So sit back, relax and let the sweet scent of experiences wash over you.

Saturday 20 June 2015

Dalston Street Feast

Street Feast Dalston Yard

Website: www.streetfeastlondon.com
Location: Hartwell Street, Dalston London E8 3DU

If you’ve ever pottered down Dalston lane you’ll know you simply can’t miss the giant lettering of the Street Feast sign set back amongst the buildings. I myself only live round the corner and had noticed it and made a mental note that I seriously needed to get down there; having been caught up in the open air charm of Digbeth Dining Club in my hometown of Birmingham this was always going to be a must for me.

Despite my excitement to go along, I was aware that unlike the theatre or coffee shops, the bazaar-like marketplace of Street Feast is a novelty that would be better enjoyed with friends and on last Saturday night I met up with a couple of old faces who also happened to be living in the area. We went along about 10 o’clock but I’d recommend getting down there as early as possible since it will cost you £3 entry after 7pm. Walking up to it the place already had an energy, something grungy rang through the air; cars pulled up either side of the street and the presence of burly bouncers reminded me of an illegal Gabba rave in the 90’s. The sound hit us first, light chatter and the hiss of grills firing away inside the old warehouse, needless to say we were ecstatic.

I’ll admit I’m not a big fan of street food in a permanent setting, for me the very essence of street food is in its pop-up nature. You feel exclusive in what you’re enjoying and it carries with it all the excitement and buzz of a festival vibe; something that Dalston Yard delivers expertly. The range of food there was fantastic you can literally find something for any taste you may require. The whole area is massive, playfully lit by strings of festival lights and the various signs of each vendor and collectively the space had a rawness that reminded me of Kreuzberg’s nightlife.

The glass roof of the old factory generates the perfect level of visual interest so as not to detract from the excitement of the stalls; the building stands skeletal and unmoved allowing the flow of people and theatrics of the chefs at work to provide energy. Even the slightly peculiar corridor toilet arrangements had its charm (I won’t give away any spoilers but would urge you experience it for yourself).

We drank multiple pints of beer and sat down to enjoy what turned out to be the finest grilled cheese sandwich I’ve ever laid my chops on. Yes I will admit when you’re surrounded by noodle bars, jerk chicken, burgers and all manner of goodness, going for a grilled cheese seems a little mundane by comparison but you must understand in my eyes the partnership of cheese and bread is the Adam and Eve of my culinary enjoyment.    

VERDICT: Busy but certainly not over crowded, we soaked up the fantastic atmosphere discussing preferences with other diners as we went. I would stick this on Matt’s essential list, if you like food, beer and all things urban, you’ve probably already been. My advice if you haven’t, get yourself there before the 26th September or you will forever regret it.

NOTE: Try the grilled cheese, no if’s not buts


Design: 7/10
Atmosphere: 10/10
Coffee: N/A (unfortunately my taste buds were distracted by more alcoholic matters)

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